Tuesday, 30 June 2009

Temping Tuesdays

For the first time in a long long time I have been turning down work. Yes you read right - turning down!! What is it about buses and low-medium paid jobs, you wait around for one and then about 50 turn up. I have signed on to so many different kinds of agencies you wouldn't believe but it has paid off and I'm finally making money. Unfortunately a lot of the time of the time the work clashes (hense the turning it down) and then at other times I am sat once again playing computer games and watching E4 (don't get me wrong, I spend a hell of a lot of time 'honing my craft' but you can't do that every second of the day can you).

Speaking of my craft I got a whole load of backing tracks off www.ameritz.co.uk and all of them are good yet all have dodgy backing vocal on them - does anyone else hate this?? It sounds naff as anything. And then I remember that there are worse things happening in the world...but come on!!

M x

1 comment:

  1. Hello Marinda, thanks for stopping by, from your biog it seems you are just at the start of your journey. I'm 12 years into mine, it's a long road, stick with it if you really want it.

    Easier said than done.
