Sunday, 7 August 2011

The Perfect Shuffle Part 2

I forgot to add to my little story of joy from yesterday: I had to go shopping - now anyone knowing me will be aware I'm not the best shopper, not enough patience and I don't really like the general public, especially those that go to the certain shopping mall I happened to be on on Saturday (yes I'm snobby I know, my Grammar school had ponies, it's just the kind of girl I am, deal with it* I have been told to make an amendment here and just state my tongue is firmly in my cheek, and also that they were fat little ponies that I never went near!) but anyway I needed a bag with a proper strap and the one I had been lusting over for a few months was on sale from £35 to £26. Now I'm such a penny-pincher when it comes to this kind of thing I was umming and ahhing until I threw caution to the wind! I get up to the till, I buy said bag and it's....only a tenner!!! A dance of joy immediately followed, and considering this is a kind of emo-come-goth shop I fear it may be the first and last time this happens there.

Right! Now onto the next painful task of finding a wallet. Still at the age of 26 I tend to rely on 'Claire's Accessories' to supply me with a cheap PVC one that doesn't really close properly but is big enough to hold all my rubbish plus not cost the stupidly high prices of real 'lady' shops. For the two instances I have had to buy a wallet in the past approximately 8 years I have managed to find something on sale to suit my needs.
I browse round 'New Look' only to come across the PERFECT wallet for me- everything I'm looking for in size, compartments and colour. I have been looking for such a wallet for a year and yet I glace the price tag and it says £16.99. I'm sorry but I have never been prepared to part with that kind of money in New Look, cheap as I sound. Where do they get off charging such prices.
Again I umm and ahh and my Mum says, "Oh just get it, you won't find another", "Yeah but Mum, honestly I have never spent more than £6 on a wallet - I just don't know". "For goodness sakes get in the queue girl, we need to get home for the dogs." So, begrudgingly, I get into the annoyingly long queue awaiting my turn to greet the surly shop assistant. When I get to her, I hand over the wallet and reach into my bag for my credit card, muttering to myself all the while. Out of the corner of my eye I see the price on the till it can't be..."That will be £6 madam"

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